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  • Moderate The Panel

Moderating at UNGA78

The mother of all international convenings is over for another year.

About last week: Moderating at UNGA78

The tornado of diplomatic, development, and advocacy action that’s UNGA

has torn through New York. Event organizers barely have e

nough energy to switch on their out-of-office messages and slink home to get the sleep they put on hold for a week.

For moderators, UNGA is a marathon. There are times when you’re actually running between panel sessions. Last week, one of the Moderate The Panel

team members, after meeting with a President, excused herself so she could change out of her smart shoes into her walking shoes. His aid grinned, held up the plastic bag he’d packed his trainers in, and told her, “I’ll join you!” They left speed walking to their next event.

Greeting excellencies, observing protocol, and staying on top of multiple issues make UNGA one of the most intense gatherings to moderate at. However, the purpose behind these events is what made UNGA78 memorable. People showed up because they care about the sustainable development goals and know that we need to work smarter and better together to achieve the 2030 development agenda.

It’s a mission Moderate The Panel is 100% behind.

Thank you to the teams we worked with for trusting us to moderate your events.

It was a pleasure. #UNGA #UNGA78 #SDGs

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